Consumer Directed Care can present particular challenges for service providers when supporting people living with dementia to remain at home.
In this presentation ‘Consumer Direction and Dementia in the Community’ we explored the importance of effective partnerships between consumers and service providers in supporting the choices and well-being of people with dementia in their everyday life at home. The special role of music in creating meaningful and enjoyment in everyday life was also highlighted. In particular, we identified practical ways to use knowledge about the uniqueness of each person, including their abilities and interests, to tailor support that meets their needs and expectations.
The webinar also focused on the challenges that commonly cause stress for families and other informal carers and identified ways to provide effective support as dementia progresses.
Ultimately, effective support for people with dementia to live at home requires effective partnerships, good dementia practice and an approach from service providers that acknowledges ‘we’re all in this together.’
VIEW our page: Provider – Webinar Recordings