The ‘Home Care Today’ project ran from 2013 to June 2017. COTA Australia continues to provide access to Home Care Today resources which were current at June 2017. However they are no longer monitored or updated, and information may not be current.
This guide has been developed by COTA Australia, Home Care Today. Our key focus has been to resource consumers and providers nationally to implement Consumer Directed Care (CDC) in the context of the aged care reforms. The service provider focus has been with the current 504 Home Care Package providers that operate across Australia.
However, many of the resources that we have developed for current providers are relevant to new providers. Hence we conducted a conference for new providers in May 2016 and have identified past, current and new resources that can assist new providers to firstly consider what they need to do to provide Home Care Packages in the new environment of consumer driven care.
The New Providers Kit is a step by step guide that aims to sequentially list and embed the resources that we are aware of for each of the steps that we have identified.
The guide includes:
- Edited versions of the presentations from the New Providers Conference. (Held in May 2016)
- Powerpoint Presentations from the New Providers Conference (converted to pdf format)
- Resources available from the Home Care Today website
- Other links that have been used in introducing new providers to Home Care Packages
The step by step guide covers:
- Applications – Things to Consider
- Understand the context of the Aged Care Reforms
- Understanding the operational manual
- Developing the model – Key considerations
- Understand and develop the case management role
- Understand Consumer Directed Care– The empowered consumer is coming!
- Cost then Price – the move to individual budgets
- Knowing what your niche is!
- Consider Technology and software
- Workforce
View Presentations and Videos
To view/download our presentations and video components for the New Providers Kit, please see our New Providers Information page.
VIEW our page: New Providers Information