The ‘Home Care Today’ project ran from 2013 to June 2017. COTA Australia continues to provide access to Home Care Today resources which were current at June 2017. However they are no longer monitored or updated, and information may not be current.
This online learning module is for Directed Care Workers and students of Certificate III in Individual Support. It consists of two parts and was originally designed for educators of Certificate III in Individual Support but is also relevant for direct care workers and students.
Part 1 – Intro to CDC covers a basic introduction for direct care workers about Consumer Directed Care. This includes the changes in Community Aged Care, Aged Care Reform, what consumers want and other resources that can be used to understand these changes. Part 1 also has a number of questions to be answered that helps to reinforce the key learnings.
To download click on the download button ‘CDC Part 1: Changing the System’ to download the file ‘CDC Part 1 Changing the System’.
When the download is complete:
1. Locate the file on your computer
2. Expand the file using WinZip or right-click on the file and select Extract All
3. This will create a folder called ‘CDC Part 1 Changing the System HTML’.
4. Navigate into the folder ‘CDC Part 1 Changing the System HTML’. (Do not click on ‘CDC Part 1 Changing the System’)
5. To view this module click the file ‘story_html5.html’ located in this folder.
Part 2 – Training for Direct Care Workers covers the changing work roles currently being experienced with a focus on direct care workers. This module highlights the six principles of CDC, the benefits of CDC and the importance of the care plan. This is displayed through available resources and a case study. Ten different learning activities and questions are used to assist users to further understand how the principles can be applied to the case study and real work settings.
To download click on the download button ‘CDC Part 2: Changing Work Roles’ to download the file ‘CDC Part 2 Changing work roles‘.
When the download is complete:
1. Locate the file on your computer
2. Expand the file using WinZip or right-click on the file and select Extract All
3. This will create a folder called ‘CDC Part 2 Changing work roles HTML‘.
4. Navigate into the folder ‘CDC Part 2 Changing work roles HTML‘. (Do not click on ‘CDC Part 2 Changing work roles’)
5. To view this module click the file ‘story_html5.html’ located in this folder.
Access to the online learning modules, their content and questions is free and can be used by any provider organisation and or training provider. This can be used in conjunction with the workforce educators webinar as an education tool. This version does not provide a Certificate of Completion.
VIEW our page: Workforce & Training