Proposed Withdrawal Of PBS Subsidies On Common Analgesics

I am writing to you in response to media coverage that you are favourably considering the removal of common analgesics such as paracetamol and aspirin from the list of PBS subsidised medicines.

COTA supports regular and thorough reviews of the PBS listings to identify and remove unnecessary and costly subsidies. However, we are not convinced that paracetamol fits into that category in all situations.

As you are aware COTA Australia is the peak consumer organisation for all older Australians, including over 500,000 members of COTA member organisations and 40,000 individual members.

Older Australians are over-represented among the chronically ill, including those who suffer from the painful condition osteoarthritis (OA). Paracetamol is often used by GPs as a first line of treatment for those suffering from this disease.

We have been advised by colleague organisations that almost all paracetamol prescribed on the PBS is as a restricted benefit for OA sufferers, and most of those prescriptions are for extended-release paracetamol OA medications