Our Vision
Ageing is a time of possibility, opportunity and influence within an equitable, just and inclusive society in which the voices of older Australians are respected and strong.
Our Purpose
We promote the rights, interests and good futures of Australians as we age.
Our Values
We respect and value the contribution and lived experience of Australians as they age and support each person’s right to make choices and to participate in their community.
We value the great diversity that characterises Australians of all ages and are committed to genuine exchange and engagement with all older people in Australia.
We recognise the impact of systemic inequalities, disadvantage and discrimination on Australians as they age and are committed to speaking out on these issues to achieve our vision.
Collaborative engagement
We communicate and engage collaboratively, especially with the diversity of older people, and also with our members, with our partners, and with the Australian community to achieve the vision and purpose of COTA.
We operate ethically, openly, honestly and with accountability in all our interactions.