Hosted by the National Policy Council, COTA Australia’s Forums are high level strategic events that explore the opportunities and challenges that face older Australians as they seek to participate in our community.
National Policy Forum 2019
Challenging Ageism: What is it and what will Australia look like without it?
COTA Australia in collaboration with the EveryAGE Counts Campaign bring together older Australians, academics, regulators and public policy makers to explore the intersection between ageism and public policy in Australia. Together we will identify a future vision for an Australia without ageism.
Visit the 2019 Forum page
National Policy Forum 2018
Older Consumers: Choice, Challenges and Rights in Changing Markets
COTA Australia brought together older consumers, consumer advocates, academics, regulators and sector experts to closely examine the challenges and opportunities facing older consumers in current and emerging markets; and to identify the priorities for ensuring their voices are heard in consumer policy, regulation and market practice.
Visit the 2018 Forum page
National Policy Forum 2017
Housing security is a basic human need and human right
COTA Australia placed the spotlight on what housing means in later life and explore current policy issues and future trends around housing for older Australians.
The Forum will bought together an exciting line-up of policy makers, academics, consumers, advocates and others to discuss some of the pressing housing issues of our time and how they affect older people.
Visit the 2017 Forum page
National Policy Forum 2016
Reframing Primary Health Care For Older Australians
COTA Australia explored how to make primary health care more responsive to the needs of older Australians and contribute to greater well being in later life.
Visit the 2016 Forum page.
National Policy Forum 2015
Gender and Ageing
The genders have a very different experience of later life. COTA Australia explored what it takes to ensure that the genders are equally well prepared having the best possible experience in later life.
Visit the 2015 Forum page
National Policy Forum 2014
Making an Australia for all ages – what’s the plan?
It is expected that by 2056 one in four people living in Australia will be over the age of 65 and 1.8 million of them will be over 85. COTA Australia explored what it might take to create an Australia for all Ages. The aim was to consider a more integrated approach to Australia’s rapidly ageing society.
Visit the 2014 Forum page
National Policy Forum 2013
Rights, respect, recognition: a new deal for older Australians
The forum focussed on the human rights framework in Australia, and discussed such issues as the right to housing, employment and health as well as exploring what constitutes a reasonable standard of living.
Visit the 2013 Forum page
National Policy Forum 2012
National Older Persons Preventive Health Strategy
Thes forum brought together academic researchers, practitioners and consumers to identify the key components of such a strategy.
Visit the 2012 Forum page
National Policy Forum 2011
Ageing in Regional, Rural and Remote Australia: Does it need different policy solutions?
There needs to be a more flexible approach by Governments to allow communities and service providers to use available funding to design a suite of services to best meet their particular needs. More community based transport options are needed which will allow people to continue to be socially engaged as well as access services, particularly health services.
Visit the 2011 Forum page