Q: What does COTA stand for?
A: COTA is an abbreviation of our full name, Council on the Ageing.

Q: How is the work of COTA Australia funded?
A: COTA Australia receives government funding through the Health System Capacity Development Fund and is also funded by levies on each State/Territory COTA organisation. State and Territory COTAs receive funding through a variety of sources including membership. COTA Australia has also received specific funding through the then Department of Health and Ageing to facilitate consumer engagement in aged care reform.

Q: Is there a COTA in every State/Territory?
A: Yes, there is a COTA in every State/Territory of Australia; click here for contact information and links for each COTA

Q: How can I become a member?
A: To support the work of COTA by becoming a member, please follow this link to COTA Membership Services

Q: What kinds of things can COTA help me with?
A: COTA Australia is an advocacy organisation which lobbies for action at a national level on issues affecting seniors.  Members requiring assistance for specific issues should contact their local State/Territory COTA which will be able to provide information and advice on an extensive range of issues affecting older people.

Q: What does COTA offer organisations and Seniors Clubs?
A: Organisational membership options and benefits vary from State to State, please contact your local COTA for more information

Q: How does COTA ask for the views of its members?
A: We solicit the views of our members through OneCOTA magazine, public forums, via COTA volunteers including those on Boards and Policy Councils, mail and email.