Submission to National Care and Support Economy Strategy 2023

COTA Australia has provided a response to the Draft National Care and Support Economy Strategy 2023 consultation paper produced by the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet.

The Strategy represents an important step in addressing entrenched issues across sectors who are often in competition with each other.

We are generally supportive of the commitment to have a single Care and Support regulatory framework that avoids duplication, reduces administrative burden, and encourages more organisations to enter the sector.

However, Care and Support sectors, including Aged Care, Disability Support, Veterans’ Care and Early Childhood, should have their distinct service requirements protected and maintained.

Integral to the national conversation about becoming a more carer friendly and strengthening the care and support economy is tackling age and age discrimination. Removing barriers that limit older people from fully participating in Australian economic and social life should be a key goal.

Listening and responding to the lived experience of people receiving care and support services should be a critical part of the ongoing consultation process.

Our response identifies several areas where the strategy could be strengthened.

We recommend that the central leadership provided by Prime Minister and Cabinet continue to ensure that the Strategy is further developed and implemented. This should occur within a timetable for reform and a clear agenda following the consultation period.