Explore Care Choices with Fase3

Explore Care Choices with Fase3

Fase3 Tool

Your Free Online Guide to Aged Care Planning

Are you or someone you care about trying to find the right care as you get older?

Let us introduce you to the Fase3 website, an interactive and user-friendly tool designed to help you find the best match for your current or future care needs.

We understand that everyone’s journey is unique, and that’s why Fase3 is here to support you, like a helpful friend!

Try the Fase3 Tool:

Retirement and aged care planning is a personal process that unfolds over time.

Your individual circumstances and preferences matter, and that’s why Fase3 offers tailored experiences that adapt to your specific situation.

The approach involves engaging questions, informative factsheets, practical tips, handy checklists, and helpful referral suggestions. Dive deep into the world of care options and discover the one that aligns perfectly with your needs. Plus, Fase3 is here for you even during challenging times, aiding in decision-making when you need it most including financial decisions.

We’ve worked closely with older people, families, and carers to ensure content is clear, relevant, and easy to grasp. This interactive website is your gateway to understanding the diverse landscape of aged care services. Fase3 empowers you to create a personalised roadmap for your unique care requirements and personal circumstances.

While Fase3 is a trusted companion on this journey, we want to emphasise that seeking professional advice and support remains crucial for your aged care decisions. Fase3 is here to inform and guide, ensuring you make informed choices every step of the way.

FASE3 is a partnership with Aged Care Steps. You may be provided with contact information for specialist services including financial advisors. COTA Australia does not receive any payment for services or referrals, and does not endorse specific service providers including any mentioned on the Fase 3 website.

Try the Fase3 Tool: