
Aged Care for ProvidersAged Care for Providers

COTA Australia has ran projects to improve knowledge and information about aged care amongst older Australian’s, their families and providers. You can see these projects below: Home Care Today - Providers COTA Australia ran a project branded ‘Home Care Today’ from 2013 to June 2017 and was funded by the…
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Aged Care NavigatorsAged Care Navigators

The Aged Care Navigators Trial ended on 31 December 2022. If you, or someone you care about is looking for assistance finding aged care, you can look up a care finder service at These lists will be expanded as organisations are ready to accept new clients. New organisations will be…
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Aged Care for ConsumersAged Care for Consumers

COTA Australia has ran a number of projects to improve knowledge and information about aged care amongst older Australian's and their families. You can see these projects below: Increasing Self-management in Home Care Currently COTA Australia is working with RMIT University and six Home Care Providers to design and test…
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Home Care TodayHome Care Today

COTA Australia ran a project branded 'Home Care Today' between 2013 and 2017 funded by the then Department of Health and Ageing. Home Care Today helped consumers and providers of Home Care Packages understand and implement Consumer Directed Care.
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MQU Retirement Village Fees & Cost ToolMQU Retirement Village Fees & Cost Tool

Macquarie University Academics, funded by a Financial Literacy Australia grant, have developed a fees and costs calculator to help older Australians (and their advisors) better understand the fees and costs associated with retirement villages and be able to compare different contracts.
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