2024-25 Federal Budget – Pre-budget submission

Ageism hurts us all – older and younger people alike. Ageism is hurting older people and stopping them from giving back. As we live longer and healthier, in order for older Australians to fully participate in the economy and community they need to be given the opportunity to live their lives the way they want to. That means working for as long as they want, living at home longer if they want to, and getting the support they need to be able to engage in the community.

Ageism locks many older people -as young as 50 – out of the workforce, and some government policies treat them as a problem to be solved instead of an opportunity to be harnessed for the benefit of everyone.

A lot of public policy, like the way our health system is set up, tries to address problems rather than stopping them before they occur.

Reducing ageism in the workplace and in the community will unlock the experience and talent of older people to the benefit of everyone.

COTA Australia’s pre- budget submission recommends actions that can be taken by Government to address ageism and close the retirement gap for older women, and improve health, housing, and aged care outcomes for older Australians.