Submission to National CALD Ageing and Aged Care Strategy Review

COTA Australia welcomes the opportunity to provide a submission to the National Ageing and Aged Care Strategy for People from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Backgrounds (CALD Strategy) Review.

COTA believes that the CALD Strategy was a key milestone in the continued recognition of the additional barriers that may face individuals from CALD communities when accessing aged care. Although people from CALD backgrounds were recognised as a special needs group under the Aged Care Act 1997, the CALD Strategy provided a more holistic view of the barriers facing people from CALD backgrounds. It outlined clear principles and goals on how to better support the aged care sector to respond to the needs of older people from CALD backgrounds and provide care that is targeted, appropriate and responsive to the cultural, linguistic and spiritual needs of the person.

COTA wishes to express their support for the Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia (FECCA) submission to this review. As the national peak body representing Australia’s CALD communities and their organisations, COTA believes that FECCA are best placed to comment on the more detailed aspects of the practical outcomes and changes brought about since the introduction of the CALD Strategy.

COTA Australia would welcome the opportunity for continued involvement in the development of the Diversity Framework, including the action plan for people from CALD backgrounds (amongst others).