Submission to the Commonwealth Department of Social Services on developing the National Housing and Homelessness Plan

This submission provides recommendations on the development of the National Housing and Homelessness Plan responding to the Australian Government’s issues paper and consultation process.

Australia is experiencing a housing affordability crisis, impacting on people of all ages.

Affordable, safe, and secure housing plays a critical role in better health, wellbeing, and social inclusion outcomes for older people.

An increasing number of older people are unable to access secure, affordable and appropriate housing.

Responses to affordable housing and positive ageing should be planned and coordinated not piecemeal and fragmented. The need for a national plan is clear.

In this submission COTA Australia argues for greater recognition for older people in housing policy and outline a number of recommendations for the Plan including setting targets to end homelessness and increase social housing, improving Commonwealth Rent Assistance and developing alternative housing options.