An investigation by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) looking to crackdown on bad practice by door-to-door salespersons is welcomed by COTA Australia.
COTA Chief Executive Ian Yates said that manipulative practices that coerced or tricked vulnerable people into deals they didn’t understand after a knock at the door had been going on for far too long.
“The research report released today is an important step towards doing more to fix the problem, and that is a good thing,” Mr Yates said.
“Older people are often targeted by door-to-door salespersons, partly because some are at home more , but also because they may be more vulnerable, or unaware of their legal rights in the situation, many of which are very recent.
“Too many Australians have been tricked into deals that they didn’t understand, want nor need, and it’s often because of the methods used by the salesman. This needs to be stopped.
“COTA welcomes the ACCC’s combined education and enforcement approach. I encourage people to contact the ACCC on 1300 302 502 or via its website to get “Do Not Knock” stickers and guides.
“Giving consumers practical tools so they know how to behave when faced with this situation is a step in the right direction, and will help the many who fall victim to the door-to-door salesman.
“I also applaud the ACCC’s more forceful approach to taking offenders to court. Ensuring vulnerable persons are protected from shonky techniques is paramount.
“We also encourage further reform that sees measures implemented that will reduce older people being targeted by salesmen seeking their commission. If the door to door sales industries do not clean up their act then we will sup port it being banned altogether.”
Media contact: Ian Yates 0418 835 439 , Anastasia Stomo 0432 243 389