The COVID-19 pandemic has had many profound impacts on our health, how we live, socialise and connect with people. For many of us this has meant drawing on the resilience we have developed over a lifetime to get through it. For some older Australians life during the pandemic has been relatively easy to manage; for others, the time has proved more challenging, and has had ongoing impacts.
If you are aged 75 or over, we want to learn firsthand from you how you navigated the pandemic.
We want to learn from you how the Covid 19 pandemic and restrictions affected you. If you would like to share your story with us, consider:
- What changed for you because of Covid 19?
- Did the pandemic affect your mental health and wellbeing? If it did, can you describe these impacts and how you felt?
- If the pandemic did not affect your mental health, can you tell us a bit about how you managed to stay well?
- How did you look after your mental health and wellbeing?
- What were the worst impacts of the pandemic? What helped you get through the lockdowns and restrictions? What could have been done differently?
- What gives you hope for the future? What will help you move beyond COVID 19?
We will use this information to work with National Mental Health Commission to improve Australia’s response to this and any future national crisis.
We will not publish your name or any identifying features but will use what you tell us in our report to the National Mental Health Commission.
We may also publish some of your stories on our website, but we will only do so with your consent.
Send us your story:
By email: my.pandemic.story@cota.org.au
By post: COTA Australia
Level 13, 430 Collins St Melbourne 3000
By February 15, 2022.