2012 National Policy Forum Presentations

National Older Persons Preventive Health Strategy

Presentations from the 2012 National Policy Forum

Getting the message out to older people and their carers
Sue Gherdovich, beyondblue
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Health Promotion for Older People: What is the evidence?
Dr Briony Dow, National Ageing Research Institute
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Living Longer Living Stronger™ in Western Australia
Bettine Heathcote, COTA WA
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Mind your mind? Evidence for Policy?
Professor Kaarin J. Anstey, Centre for Research on Ageing, Health and Wellbeing, ANU
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OM:NI Men’s Discussion Groups
John Doutch
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‘POP’ – Positive Outcomes Program: the benefits of making healthy lifestyle choices
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Promoting a Healthy Australia: Introducing ANPHA
Louise Sylvan, CEO Australian National Preventive Health Agency
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Strength For Life Program
Rosetta Rosa, COTA SA
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Towards a National Dementia preventative health stategy
Suha Ali, Alzheimer’s Australia Vic
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