2014 National Policy Forum Presentations

Making an Australia for all ages – what’s the plan?

Presentations from the 2014 National Policy Forum

The need for a conversation about an ageing Australia
Ian Yates AM, CE, COTA Australia
Download presentation (pdf, powerpoint)

Age Australia Fair? Policy choices on demographic changes in Australia and abroad.
Travers McLeod, CEO, Centre for Policy Development
Download presentation (pdf, powerpoint)

The demography of Australian ageing over the next decade: certainties, surprises and implications for Government
Prof Graeme Hugo, Director of the Australian Population and Migration Research Centre, University of Adelaide
Download presentation (pdf, powerpoint)

Sustainable budgets and security for older Australians
John Daley, CEO, Grattan Institute
Download presentation (pdf, powerpoint)

Culture and system – addressing the major barriers to employment opportunities for older workers
Kate Carnell AO, CEO, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Download presentation (pdf, powerpoint)

Pensions are cheap, it’s superannuation tax concessions that Australia can’t afford
Dr Richard Denniss, CEO, Executive Director, The Australia Institute
Download presentation (pdf, powerpoint)

Financial security and longevity
Emily Millane, Principal Research Fellow, Per Capita
Download presentation (pdf, powerpoint)

Transition to longevity – a framework of action
Dr Kathleen Brasher, Manager Community Participation, COTA Victoria
Download presentation (pdf, powerpoint: part 1, part 2, part 3)

An ageing Australia: preparing for the future
Mike Woods, Deputy Chairman, Productivity Commission
Download presentation (pdf, powerpoint)