Co-Creating Value: Lessons Learned from Home Care Today’s Action Research Inspired Co-Production Projects

The ‘Home Care Today’ project ran from 2013 to June 2017. COTA Australia continues to provide access to Home Care Today resources which were current at June 2017. However they are no longer monitored or updated, and information may not be current.

In 2014 Home Care Today launched a co-production project initiative to encourage Home Care Package providers to systematically embrace consumer engagement. Three organisations were part of this project. These service providers scoped and implemented co-production projects in their organisations. The report,‘Co-Creating Value: Lessons Learned from Home Care Today’s Action Research Inspired Co-Production Projects‘, has been prepared outlining project outputs, shedding light on key lessons learned.  An action agenda is proposed to further enhance co-production in a consumer directed aged care environment.

VIEW our page: Co-Production