Aged Care – The Peoples Forum

Aged Care – The Peoples Forum

National Press Club Forum

On Tuesday 13 August the National Press Club broadcast lunch featured Ian Yates, CE of COTA Australia; Glenn Rees, CE of Alzheimer’s Australia and Carol Bennet, CE of the Consumer Health Forum who presented, in the context of the Federal Election, on “Aged Care – The People’s Forum”

COTA Australia launched its election platform A new deal for older Australians at the event which featured a strong focus on equity of access to aged care and health services for older Australians.

Click here to download Ian Yates, COTA Australia’s CE’s speech; or Click Here to download the presentation ‘Regaining our rights – the future for aged care reform’

This was a great opportunity to highlight consumer policies on aged care and health for the federal election to a national media audience.

The event was broadcast on ABC 1 on Wednesday 14 August at 12:30. It was also broadcast on SKY TV and ABC 24 online and TV.