A joint submission by 13 national organisations working with older people and carers, in response to the Australian Government’s consultation raised in the A New Aged Care Act: the foundations, Consultation Paper No.1.
The submission reflects the experiences and wants of older people, that they, carers and family members have shared with consumer organisations. It reflects our collective knowledge and experience in supporting and advocating with and on behalf of older people and carers.
The submission makes 59 recommendations across a diverse range of topics including recommendations about:
- the legislative drafting of the new legislation, its purpose, objectives and principles;
- legal obligations of care including comments on the proposed high quality care approach
- introducing human rights into aged care and ensuring rights are upheld and implemented;
- Supported decision-making;
- the future complaints system, penalties and compensation; and
- eligibility criteria to access aged care services.
It is anticipated the Government will release an exposure draft of the new Aged Care Act in December 2023.
This submission was prepared jointly by:
- Council on the Ageing (COTA) Australia | peak body representing 9 million Australians over 50.
- Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) | peak body for aged care individual advocacy.
- Association of Independent Retirees (AIR) | advancing the independence of those fully or partly self-funded in retirement.
- Carers Australia | peak body representing Australia’s unpaid carers.
- Dementia Australia | supporting and empowering people living with dementia.
- Elder Abuse Action Australia (EAAA) | acting to eliminate elder abuse.
- Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia | peak body for people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
- Legacy | supporting the partners and children of veterans.
- LGBTIQ + Health Australia | peak body for LGBT and intersex organisations.
- National Seniors Australia | advocating for better outcomes for older Australian members.
- National Association of People With HIV Australia | Advocacy, representation, policy & health promotion for people with HIV.
- PICAC Alliance | unified body of Partners in Culturally Appropriate Care (PICAC) funded organisations.
- The Returned and Services League of Australia (RSL) | supporting people who have served or are serving in the Australian Defence Force.