Consumer Engagement

Consumer Engagement

The ‘Home Care Today’ project ran from 2013 to June 2017. COTA Australia continues to provide access to Home Care Today resources which were current at June 2017. However they are no longer monitored or updated, and information may not be current.

The Consumer Engagement section of Home Care Today for Providers talks about Culturally Inclusive Aged Care and Co-Production.

Culturally Inclusive Aged Care

This section provides information on culturally and linguistically inclusive aged care, fact sheets for providers working with people from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds (CALD), Dementia Specific help sheets, guides and resources for non-English speaking consumers as well as a briefing paper on Palliative Care in communities.

VIEW our page: Culturally Inclusive Aged Care

Trans and/or Non-Binary Experience in Aged Care

Dr. Gavi Ansara helps us to understand further the needs of people of trans and/or non-binary experience and how the aged care sector can respond, in his article Challenging Cisgenderism in the Aging and Aged Care Sector.

VIEW our page: Trans and/or Non-Binary Experience in Aged Care


Co-Production, has an excellent video called Step Forward – Together Documentary as well as a toolkit and resource guide to assist providers to implement co-production activities into their organisational service design.

VIEW our page: Co-Production

Consumer Engagement in Your Organisation

It is important to establish strong relationships with people who are using their services and to assist in developing a closer and more meaningful engagement with existing consumers. Here in the Consumer Engagement in Your Organisation page, you will find downloadable guides, charts and worksheets for ‘The Voice of Consumers in Home Care’.

VIEW our page: Consumer Engagement in Your Organisation

Information from Home Care Today is to provide some general practical advice for home care providers and is not intended as legal or financial advice. It should not be the only source of information for providers of home care. It is encouraged that anyone who has questions about providing home care to get the relevant professional advice to discuss their organisation’s particular situation.

Home Care Today makes this information available on an as is basis. Home Care Today makes no representations or warranties of any kind with respect to the contents of the information. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Home Care Today disclaims any such representations or warranties as to the completeness, accuracy, merchantability or fitness for purpose of the information.