

The ‘Home Care Today’ project ran from 2013 to June 2017. COTA Australia continues to provide access to Home Care Today resources which were current at June 2017. However they are no longer monitored or updated, and information may not be current.

This section of the Home Care Today’s website offers resources for you to use with your staff. The objective is to assist you to enhance the capacity of your staff to use a Consumer Directed Care approach.

New Providers Information

The New Providers Kit is a step by step guide that aims to sequentially list and embed the resources that we are aware of for each of the steps that we have identified. You can download this kit, watch videos and download the presentations from the New Providers Information page.

VIEW our page: New Providers Information

Learning Modules

Home Care Today has engaged CommunityWest  to develop a series of learning resources that you can use to assist your staff to engage in conversation with consumers using the CDC principles. These learning resources are provided for advisers working within community care environments. The aim of these modules is to enable advisors to embrace the thinking, skills and practice (TSP) for transitioning to and working in a Consumer Directed Care (CDC) model.

VIEW our page: Learning Modules

Making Objective Decisions Tool

This tool was developed to help providers deliver Home Care Packages in line with the Consumer Directed Care principles of choice, flexibility and transparency. Consumers with Home Care Packages often say that spending decisions appear to have been made arbitrarily and subjectively, and by staff rather than by consumers themselves. Using this tool, consumers can instead be empowered to make choices and decisions that best meet their assessed care needs.

VIEW our page: Making Objective Decisions Tool 

Home Care Package Consumers

This resource page includes links to The Department of Health Aged Care resource Your Guide to home care package services,Home Care Today’s bookletYour Guide to New Choices in Home Care and a link our consumer page on Aged Care Common concerns and myths, Home Care Today – Consumer Stories and Articles.

VIEW our page: Home Care Package Consumers

Webinar Recordings

This page has available webinar recordings on Increasing Choice in Home Care February 2017 – Consultation on delegated legislationConsumer Direction and Dementia in the CommunityIncreasing Choice in Home Care- approved provider requirements and quality provisionsCosting and pricing Home Care Packages for Aboriginal aged care providers and a link to a sample spreadsheet on CDC costing and pricing spreadsheet tool for Aboriginal Providers by Saward Dawson Chartered Accountants.

VIEW our page: Webinar Recordings 

Information from Home Care Today is to provide some general practical advice for home care providers and is not intended as legal or financial advice. It should not be the only source of information for providers of home care. It is encouraged that anyone who has questions about providing home care to get the relevant professional advice to discuss their organisation’s particular situation.

Home Care Today makes this information available on an as is basis. Home Care Today makes no representations or warranties of any kind with respect to the contents of the information. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Home Care Today disclaims any such representations or warranties as to the completeness, accuracy, merchantability or fitness for purpose of the information.