The ‘Home Care Today’ project ran from 2013 to June 2017. COTA Australia continues to provide access to Home Care Today resources which were current at June 2017. However they are no longer monitored or updated, and information may not be current.
Department of Health Webcast – Increasing Choice in Home Care – Consultation on delegated legislation
20 May 2017
The purpose of this webinar was to discuss the issues outlined in the consultation paper. This provided a further opportunity for interested parties to ask questions or seek clarification on the proposed amendments.
VIEW webinar recording: Increasing Choice in Home Care February 2017 – Consultation on delegated legislation
Consumer Direction and Dementia in the Community
7 March 2017
Consumer Directed Care can present particular challenges for service providers when supporting people living with dementia to remain at home.
In this webinar we explored the importance of effective partnerships between consumers and service providers in supporting the choices and well-being of people with dementia in their everyday life at home. The special role of music in creating meaningful and enjoyment in everyday life was also highlighted. In particular, we identified practical ways to use knowledge about the uniqueness of each person, including their abilities and interests, to tailor support that meets their needs and expectations.
The webinar also focused on the challenges that commonly cause stress for families and other informal carers and identified ways to provide effective support as dementia progresses.
Ultimately, effective support for people with dementia to live at home requires effective partnerships, good dementia practice and an approach from service providers that acknowledges ‘we’re all in this together.’
DOWNLOAD PowerPoint: Consumer Direction and Dementia in the Community
Department of Health Webcast – Increasing Choice in Home Care – changes to approved home care provider requirements
6 October 2016
A webinar was held on 6 october 2016 called to discuss the changes to approved home care provider requirements and the associated quality provisions as a result of the Increasing Choice in home care reforms.
It was open to all aged care providers and focused on:
- the new approved provider forms for existing and new providers of aged care
- what to consider when submitting an application form to become an approved provider
- an overview of the changes to approved provider requirements from February 2017
- quality provisions for new home care providers.
VIEW webinar recording: Increasing Choice in Home Care- approved provider requirements and quality provisions
Costing and Pricing for Home Care Packages for Aboriginal Aged Care Providers
16 March 2016
The Australian Government engaged Saward Dawson, Chartered Accountants to develop a tool to help Aboriginal providers cost and price their services in a way that is more sensitive and relevant to Aboriginal providers’ cultural contexts. Saward Dawson developed a customised CDC costing and pricing spreadsheet tool for Aboriginal providers after a series of consultations with Aboriginal aged care providers across Australia, including providers from regional and remote locations.
VIEW webinar: Costing and pricing Home Care Packages for Aboriginal aged care providers
DOWNLOAD spreadsheet: CDC costing and pricing spreadsheet tool for Aboriginal Providers by Saward Dawson Chartered Accountants