Older Consumers: Choice, Challenges and Rights in Changing Markets
Presentations from the 2018 National Policy Forum.
Choice and control for older consumers in health, aged care and human services market
Leanne Wells, Chief Executive Officer, Consumers Health Forum of Australia
DOWNLOAD Presentation:Leanne Wells NPF 2018 presentation (pdf)
Tan Nguyen, President, Australian Dental and Oral Health Therapists’ Association Inc.
DOWNLOAD Presentation: Tan Nguyen NPF 2018 presentation (pdf)
Challenges faceing older consumers in complex markets
Lynne Gallagher, Director Advocacy, Communications, Research; Energy Consumers Australia
DOWNLOAD Presentation: Lynne Gallagher NPF 2018 presentation (pdf)
Standards for the Silver Economy – Consumer Benefit
Dr Bronwyn Evans, Chief Executive Officer, Standards Australia
DOWNLOAD Presentation: Bronwyn Evans NPF 2018 presentation (pdf)
Voice and empowerment of older consumers
Jane Mussared, Chief Executive Officer, COTA SA
DOWNLOAD Presentation: Jane Mussared NPF 2018 presentation (pdf)
Lawrie Robertson, President, Residents of Retirement Villages Victoria
DOWNLOAD Presentation: Lawrie Roberson NPF 2018 presentation (pdf)
Summary Remarks
Peter Mares, Facilitator
DOWNLOAD Presentation: Peter Mares NPF 2018 summary remarks (pdf)