Policy Forum 2019

Policy Forum 2019

Challenging Ageism: What is it and what would Australia look like without it?

in collaboration with the EveryAGE Counts Campaign

When: Thursday 13 June 2019
Time: 9.00am to 5.00pm
Where: National Press Club, Canberra

Ageism is discrimination against our future selves. It can affect every one of us. Ageism can be found in attitudes or beliefs, in behaviours, or even formalised policy and practices. Yet often it is misunderstood and goes unseen in the policy development processes and unchallenged in private or public behaviour and discussions.

How do we identify ageism, what drives it and what impact does it cause? What are the ‘opportunity costs’ of ageism and its impact on public policy and the economy? How can we best respond to ageism in our private and professional lives?

The 2019 COTA Australia Policy Forum in conjunction with the EveryAGE Counts Campaign will bring together older Australians, academics, regulators and public policy makers to explore the intersection between ageism and public policy in Australia. Together we will identify a future vision for an Australia without ageism.

EVENTBRITE REGISTRATION – All ticket sales close on Wednesday 5 June 2019 at 11:59PM AEST.

Tickets are available on Eventbrite with a reduced price for COTA individual members and COTA organisational members. Please call your state COTA to enquire about membership.

Tickets: https://npf2019.eventbrite.com.au

General Admission: $315
COTA Individual Member: $135
COTA Organisational Member: $235

National Policy Forum Program – FINAL

View presentations and summary remarks

Download Program: Challenging Ageism National Policy Forum Program FINAL

Facilitator: Caroline Baum

9:15 – 9:30Facilitator Welcome: Caroline Baum

Welcome to Country: Violet Sheridan

Welcome from COTA Australia: Ian Yates AM, Chief Executive, COTA Australia
9:30 – 10:00Keynote: Ageism faced by older people and what drives it
Kirsty Nowlan, Executive Director, The Benevolent Society and Co-Chair, EveryAGE Counts
10:00 – 10:40Ageism and employment
Facilitated by Caroline Baum
Peter Woolcott AO, Australian Public Service Commissioner
Kate Carnell, Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman
Mike Rungie, Committee Member, EveryAGE Counts Campaign
10:40 – 11:10Morning Tea
11:10 – 11:40Keynote: The economic impact of ageism
Emma Dawson, Executive Director, Per Capita
11:40 – 12:10Imagery and imagination – older people in the media and public discourse
Facilitated by Caroline Baum
Jenny Taylor, Director, Market Research Unit, Department of Health
Fiona Jolly, CEO, Ad Standards Australia
12.10 – 1.10Lunch
Opportunity to take the pledge to stand for a world without ageism
1:10 – 1:55Responding to ageism – what’s public policy got to do with it?
Facilitated by Sue McGrath, Senior Policy Advisor, EveryAGE Counts Campaign
Kathryn Greiner AO, NSW Retirement Village Ambassador and Chair of the NSW Ministerial Advisory Committee on Ageing.
Emma Dawson, Executive Director, Per Capita
1:55 – 2:40What lessons on anti-ageism can be learnt from diverse communities and other campaigns for social change?
Facilitated by: Corey Irlam, COTA Australia
Tom Calma, Chancellor, University of Canberra
Daniel Coase, Policy and Project Officer, Federation of Ethnic Communities Council
Kirsten Deane, Campaign Director, Every Australian Counts Campaign
2:40 – 2:55Afternoon Tea
2:55 – 3:35Ageism in Aged Care and Health Care
Proposition: Ian Yates AM, CE, COTA Australia
Respondent 1: Patricia Sparrow, CEO, Aged and Community Services Australia
Respondent 2: Leanne Wells, CEO, Consumers Health Forum
3:35 – 4:15Moving towards an Australia without ageism
Anne Burgess, Board member, COTA South Australia
John McCallum, CEO, National Seniors Australia
Marlene Krasovitsky, Director, EveryAGE Counts Campaign
4:15 – 4:30Concluding remarks: Caroline Baum
4:30 – 4:40Closing Thanks: Ian Yates AM, COTA Australia